Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Identity Portrait Assignment

Identity Portrait

Process Work

Final Work

Carrion Facade 
materials: wire, tracing paper, gel medium, Styrofoam balls green, black, and red acrylic paint
dimensions: 2.5"x 1"x 0.75"

Artist Statement

The theme of my identity portrait revolves around death, and the ways in which money is associated with it. The term "carrion" within the title means "decaying flesh of dead animals." This definition, along with the fact that the mask that I created is a vulture with a blood-stained beak, a bird that feeds on the dead, supports the theme of death within my work. With regards to the theme of money, the use of green establishes it. The theme is also supported by the attire of me, the model, as a suit is worn within the above photographs. This, coupled with the display of my wallet, a symbol of financial stability within a society that emphasizes economic dominance, pertains to the term "facade within the title. 
The poses within the title are meant to illustrate a facade of stability and slight wealth, when in reality, the model is simply conveying a facade of financial power through their demeanor, attire, and overt display of monetary possession. This sign of weakness is emphasized by the presence of the bird mask itself, as a buzzard is a filthy animal that feeds off of the waste of nature. In the perspective of the human, the model is simply one who capitalizes on opportunities within life in order to further develop their own financial gain within a capitalistic society that favors the wealthy and shuns the impoverished. Within modern society, to lack money is to lack the means necessary to obtain vital resources essential for maintaining the quality of one's life. To be impoverished is to be closer to one's death, as money, the superficial barrier between socioeconomic classes, is absent, thus leading to mental, emotional, and physical decay.

Research Items

Eaton Nott

Craig Green

Clarina Bezzola

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